中德电子-2021 广告 雅玛西-2021 广告 第24届(华南)中国磁性元器件行业智能生产暨 高性能材料应用技术峰会3 广告 2025中国电子热点解决方案创新峰会4 广告


2012-05-04 14:04:43 来源:大比特电子变压器网

摘要:  台达电子欧洲荣获英国绿色组织(The Green Orgznisation)金质奖, 遵循该组织订定之绿色行为指标,善尽「环保 节能 爱地球」的企业社会责任。

关键字:  台达电子,  金质奖

台达电子欧洲荣获英国绿色组织(The Green Orgznisation)金质奖, 遵循该组织订定之绿色行为指标,善尽「环保 节能 爱地球」的企业社会责任。


Delta Electronics Europe Ltd, of East Kilbride, have been awarded Gold membership of The Green Organisation, one of the country's leading environment groups. Membership is restricted to companies, councils and communities that can demonstrate the effective measures they have introduced for environmental benefit.

Ms Arunima Sinha from Delta Electronics Europe Ltd, said: "We are delighted to have measured up to the demanding criteria of The Green Organisation as we are committed to trying to do as much as possible for the environment."

A spokesman for The Green Organisation commented: "Delta Electronics Europe Ltd practice what they preach about environmental concerns and they are actively adopting measures that will continue to improve their environmental performance for generations to come.

"They will be able to use our distinctive Green Apple logo on their literature, stationery and livery to identify themselves as a company that is trying to protect and enhance the environment. They will also have access to our reference library, receive our Eco Echo publication and be able to network with other companies that are doing their best for the environment."

As members of The Green Organisation, they will be helping the independent and non-profit group to continue their own environmental initiatives, including the publication of The Green Book - the annual environmental best practice Work of Reference. The Green Organisation organized successful appeals for tsunami orphans, Pakistan earthquake victims and it has also supplied tonnes of recycled goods, clothing and kit for emerging nations.

The spokesman explained: "The Green Organisation is non-political and non-activist, dedicated to recognising, rewarding and promoting the positive aspects of environmental endeavour around the world".

"As part of this ongoing work, we organise the annual international Green Apple Environment Awards for countries, companies, councils and communities. By publicising their efforts and successes, it encourages others to follow their good examples and realise the commercial and financial benefits that come from adopting environmentally-friendly practices."

资料来源 : Corporate Communications

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