2003-01-02 16:51:01
Coreless Printed-Circuit Board Transformers for Signal and Energy Transfer
脉冲变压器被广泛地使用在低功率应用的电子设备中。它们用作电隔离,并常常被用于信号和(或)能量传递。变压器如此使用的例子如用作数字数据传输和在功率电子应用中(从直流到几百kHz)作为隔离门驱动电路的去耦变压器。在后一种应用情况,该变压器被用作信号和能量传递,是因为隔离门驱动电路必须提供门信号和为驱动如MOSFET功率器件的能量。在传统情况下,这些脉冲变压器是有铁心的。亦即铁氧体铁心被用作能量传递的磁路。然而,铁心变压器需手工制造绕组,这就增加了劳动成本和由此产生的设备成本。文献[1]提出了一种在双面印制电路板上印制绕组、以去掉手工绕线工序的铁心变压器。无铁心印制电路板变压器的概念没有受到人们很多关注,多半是因为存在误解: (i)平面绕组在印制电路板上只能印制几匝,差不多像是“短路线”; (ii)在变压器结构中,磁心是根本的元件。本文叙述了小功率要求的无铁心印制电路板变压器的最佳使用(详见[2]专利文献)。推荐的变压器有10匝初级和次级绕组,直径约12mm。如图1所示,它比标准脉冲变压器小得多。



The authors describe the optimal use of a printed-circuit board transformer with minimum power consumption. The proposed transformer is much smaller than a standard pulse transformer and is suitable for both signal and energy transfer .It can be operated in the megaHertz frequency range.With the use of modulation/demodulation circuits.it can be used for digital signal transmission over a wide frequency range from DC to~300kHz. The proposal can replace core-based dreds of kiloHertz).In the latter case,the transformer is used for both signal and energy transfer because the isolated gate drive circuit has to provide both the gating signal and the energy for driving the power devices such as power MOSFETs.Traditionally,these pulse transformers are core-based.That is,ferrite cores are used tor provide the magnetic paths of the energy transfer .Corebased transformers ,however,need manual winding,which incr-eases the labour cost and hence the cost of the equipment. An attempt [1] has been proposed for core-based transformers to eliminate the manual winding process by printing the windings on double-sided printed-circuit boards(PCBs).The coreless PCB transformer concept has not received much attention,probably because there are misunderstandings:(i) that planar winding with a few turns printed on a PCB is almost like a ’short-circuit’ and (ii) that magnetic core is an essential component in transformer construction. This Letter describes the optimal use of coreless PCB transformers [2] with minimum power requirements.The proposed transformer has 10 turns for both primary and secondary windings,and a diameter of ~12mm .It is much smaller than a standard pulse transformer as shown in Fig.1.
Problems and solutions :Fig.2 shows the equivalent circuit model of the proposed coreless PCB trandformer.The major problem of using this type of transformer is that the magnetising indutance is extremely small.The short printed windings whit only a few turns behave almost like ’ short-circuit paths’ with low gain and high conduction loss unless the operating frequency is very high(usually in the magaHertz range).However ,the frequency of the transmitted signal may be of relatively low frequency(say from DC to a few hundreds of kiloHertz).To overcome these problems .the following two methods can be used together:
(i)The demodulation circuits described in [2,3] can be used so that a high-frequency carrier frequency(i.e.oper
ating frequency of the transformer )in the magaHertz range is adopted while the required low -frequency signal can be demodulated and obtained as the output of the circuit;
transformers in many lowpower applications.i)The optimal carrier frequency can be selected by using a ’maximum-impedance frequency’approach so that the total power comsumption of the circuit is minimised.
Maximum-impedance frequency:Based on the equivalent circuit ,the maximum impedance of the transformer circuit can be plotted with carrier frequency.The first peak of the impedance plot corresponds to the maximum impedance before the circuit resonance occurs(Beyond the first resonant frequency,the gain of the trandsformer will be lost .) This maximum-impedance frequency should be chosen as the optimal operating(carrier)frequen
cy at which the input current and power of the entire transformer circuit can be minimised .With the knowledge of the circuit capacitance conmected to the primary and secondary windings of the corelss transformer,the calculated first resonant frequency of the circuit model of the coreless PCB transformer under consideration is~9MHz.The impdance of the transformer was measurede with an impedance analyser.The measured impdeance agrees well with the calculated value as shown in Fig.3. It can be seen that the first maximum impedance frequency of~8MHz is less than the first resonant frequency of 9MHz.Thus,8MHz can be chosen as the carrier frequency of the system .For a given coreless transformer,the maximum impedance of the circuit can be alterd by the value of the capacitors connected to the primary and secondary windings, By choosing this maximum impedance frequency slightly less than the circuit resonant frequency ,the transformer cirtuit enjoys both(i)high gain and (ii)minimum power consumption.
To confirm this maximum-impedance frequency approach,the carrier frequency is varied over a range of frequencies under the worst-case situation of a transmitted DC signal(i.e.100%duty cycle). This is approximated by replacing the demodulation circuit in the secondary winding by a 2kW resistor (which constantly consumes energy approximately as the demodulation circuit),The input current of the primary circuit with a 10V DC rail is monitored and shown in Fig.4. THis plot confirms that the proposed transformer circuit consums minimum power at the maximum impedance frequency .Using the same carrier frequency of 8MHz.the entire transformer circuit has been tested successfully as a gate drive circuit for a 600V ,16A power MOSFET over a range of frequencies from DC to~300KHz,For gate drive applications, the entire power consumption of the coreless transformer circuit is <0.9w. When applied for 、结论
Introduction:Pulse transformers are widely used in the electronics industry for low-power applications.They offer electrical isolation and are commonly used for signal and/or energy trancfer.Examples of such uses of transformers are the decouping transformers used for digital data transmission and for isolated gatd drive circuits in power electronics applications (from DC to a few hundigital signal transmission ,a transimission rate from DC to -300kHz can be achieved. Typical practical input and output digital signals at 56kHz transimisson are shown in Fig.5 It should be noted that the radius r of the printed windings is[6mm(or 0.006m),and the wavelength of any radiated signal at the operating carrier frequency is l =3x108/ 8 x106=37.5m. For a single loop antenna ,the radiated power is porpor tional to ( r/ l)4 The radiation power and efficiency [4] of
the coreless PCB transformer are negligible(since ( r/ l )4 is in the order of 10-18 for a single loop). Thus ,radiated electromagnetic interference from the coreless PCB transformer is not a concerm for low power applications
conclusions: The authors confirm a fundamental concept that coreless PCB transformers can be used for energy and signal transmission in electronic circuits .The maximum impedance approach is proposed and verified to optimise the use of coreless tranformers. Coreless transfroms can be smaller than corebased pulse transformers .Their use can eliminate the costs of the manual windings and magnetics .It is envisaged that they can replace core-based pulse transformers in many low-power applications such as digital signal transmission and power electronics gate drive circuits
Coreless Printed-Circuit Board Transformers for Signal and Energy Transfer
脉冲变压器被广泛地使用在低功率应用的电子设备中。它们用作电隔离,并常常被用于信号和(或)能量传递。变压器如此使用的例子如用作数字数据传输和在功率电子应用中(从直流到几百kHz)作为隔离门驱动电路的去耦变压器。在后一种应用情况,该变压器被用作信号和能量传递,是因为隔离门驱动电路必须提供门信号和为驱动如MOSFET功率器件的能量。在传统情况下,这些脉冲变压器是有铁心的。亦即铁氧体铁心被用作能量传递的磁路。然而,铁心变压器需手工制造绕组,这就增加了劳动成本和由此产生的设备成本。文献[1]提出了一种在双面印制电路板上印制绕组、以去掉手工绕线工序的铁心变压器。无铁心印制电路板变压器的概念没有受到人们很多关注,多半是因为存在误解: (i)平面绕组在印制电路板上只能印制几匝,差不多像是“短路线”; (ii)在变压器结构中,磁心是根本的元件。本文叙述了小功率要求的无铁心印制电路板变压器的最佳使用(详见[2]专利文献)。推荐的变压器有10匝初级和次级绕组,直径约12mm。如图1所示,它比标准脉冲变压器小得多。



The authors describe the optimal use of a printed-circuit board transformer with minimum power consumption. The proposed transformer is much smaller than a standard pulse transformer and is suitable for both signal and energy transfer .It can be operated in the megaHertz frequency range.With the use of modulation/demodulation circuits.it can be used for digital signal transmission over a wide frequency range from DC to~300kHz. The proposal can replace core-based dreds of kiloHertz).In the latter case,the transformer is used for both signal and energy transfer because the isolated gate drive circuit has to provide both the gating signal and the energy for driving the power devices such as power MOSFETs.Traditionally,these pulse transformers are core-based.That is,ferrite cores are used tor provide the magnetic paths of the energy transfer .Corebased transformers ,however,need manual winding,which incr-eases the labour cost and hence the cost of the equipment. An attempt [1] has been proposed for core-based transformers to eliminate the manual winding process by printing the windings on double-sided printed-circuit boards(PCBs).The coreless PCB transformer concept has not received much attention,probably because there are misunderstandings:(i) that planar winding with a few turns printed on a PCB is almost like a ’short-circuit’ and (ii) that magnetic core is an essential component in transformer construction. This Letter describes the optimal use of coreless PCB transformers [2] with minimum power requirements.The proposed transformer has 10 turns for both primary and secondary windings,and a diameter of ~12mm .It is much smaller than a standard pulse transformer as shown in Fig.1.
Problems and solutions :Fig.2 shows the equivalent circuit model of the proposed coreless PCB trandformer.The major problem of using this type of transformer is that the magnetising indutance is extremely small.The short printed windings whit only a few turns behave almost like ’ short-circuit paths’ with low gain and high conduction loss unless the operating frequency is very high(usually in the magaHertz range).However ,the frequency of the transmitted signal may be of relatively low frequency(say from DC to a few hundreds of kiloHertz).To overcome these problems .the following two methods can be used together:
(i)The demodulation circuits described in [2,3] can be used so that a high-frequency carrier frequency(i.e.oper
ating frequency of the transformer )in the magaHertz range is adopted while the required low -frequency signal can be demodulated and obtained as the output of the circuit;
transformers in many lowpower applications.i)The optimal carrier frequency can be selected by using a ’maximum-impedance frequency’approach so that the total power comsumption of the circuit is minimised.
Maximum-impedance frequency:Based on the equivalent circuit ,the maximum impedance of the transformer circuit can be plotted with carrier frequency.The first peak of the impedance plot corresponds to the maximum impedance before the circuit resonance occurs(Beyond the first resonant frequency,the gain of the trandsformer will be lost .) This maximum-impedance frequency should be chosen as the optimal operating(carrier)frequen
cy at which the input current and power of the entire transformer circuit can be minimised .With the knowledge of the circuit capacitance conmected to the primary and secondary windings of the corelss transformer,the calculated first resonant frequency of the circuit model of the coreless PCB transformer under consideration is~9MHz.The impdance of the transformer was measurede with an impedance analyser.The measured impdeance agrees well with the calculated value as shown in Fig.3. It can be seen that the first maximum impedance frequency of~8MHz is less than the first resonant frequency of 9MHz.Thus,8MHz can be chosen as the carrier frequency of the system .For a given coreless transformer,the maximum impedance of the circuit can be alterd by the value of the capacitors connected to the primary and secondary windings, By choosing this maximum impedance frequency slightly less than the circuit resonant frequency ,the transformer cirtuit enjoys both(i)high gain and (ii)minimum power consumption.
To confirm this maximum-impedance frequency approach,the carrier frequency is varied over a range of frequencies under the worst-case situation of a transmitted DC signal(i.e.100%duty cycle). This is approximated by replacing the demodulation circuit in the secondary winding by a 2kW resistor (which constantly consumes energy approximately as the demodulation circuit),The input current of the primary circuit with a 10V DC rail is monitored and shown in Fig.4. THis plot confirms that the proposed transformer circuit consums minimum power at the maximum impedance frequency .Using the same carrier frequency of 8MHz.the entire transformer circuit has been tested successfully as a gate drive circuit for a 600V ,16A power MOSFET over a range of frequencies from DC to~300KHz,For gate drive applications, the entire power consumption of the coreless transformer circuit is <0.9w. When applied for 、结论
Introduction:Pulse transformers are widely used in the electronics industry for low-power applications.They offer electrical isolation and are commonly used for signal and/or energy trancfer.Examples of such uses of transformers are the decouping transformers used for digital data transmission and for isolated gatd drive circuits in power electronics applications (from DC to a few hundigital signal transmission ,a transimission rate from DC to -300kHz can be achieved. Typical practical input and output digital signals at 56kHz transimisson are shown in Fig.5 It should be noted that the radius r of the printed windings is[6mm(or 0.006m),and the wavelength of any radiated signal at the operating carrier frequency is l =3x108/ 8 x106=37.5m. For a single loop antenna ,the radiated power is porpor tional to ( r/ l)4 The radiation power and efficiency [4] of
the coreless PCB transformer are negligible(since ( r/ l )4 is in the order of 10-18 for a single loop). Thus ,radiated electromagnetic interference from the coreless PCB transformer is not a concerm for low power applications
conclusions: The authors confirm a fundamental concept that coreless PCB transformers can be used for energy and signal transmission in electronic circuits .The maximum impedance approach is proposed and verified to optimise the use of coreless tranformers. Coreless transfroms can be smaller than corebased pulse transformers .Their use can eliminate the costs of the manual windings and magnetics .It is envisaged that they can replace core-based pulse transformers in many low-power applications such as digital signal transmission and power electronics gate drive circuits